CA Full Creative Assessment

  • Are you puzzled by why some relationships work and others do not?
  • Do you find that you have reservations or concerns when others are being kind or generous with you?
  • Do you feel like even in new relationships, the same old, repeating conflicts emerge?
  • Do you spend more time trying to avoid certain types of problems rather than deliberately choosing the types of people you want to engage?


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Full Assessment Overview

The answers to these questions are what a Full Creative Assessment is all about. We want you to be able to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of others and to have a clearer perspective of your own strengths and weaknesses, so that all of your relationships can become more Co-Creative.

The Full Creative Assessment provides WorldView, Pretenses, BodyTypes, Effective Birth Order, Goals, Modes, Attitudes and Expression Imprinting, in addition to the Pacing, the Decision Making Approach, Communication Process, the Primary, Secondary and Mental Body Expression, and the Defense Styles that were included in the Mini Creative Assessment.

What is useful is that the Pacing, Decision Making Approach and Communication Process, the WorldView, and the Goals, Modes and Attitudes will have your parental imprinting highlighted. This makes it easier to make comparisons between your perspectives and how your parents operate.

Full Creative Assessment Benefits

Getting a Full Creative Assessment is helpful because we now have a baseline for comparing ourselves to potential partners so that we can identify what works best for us. While our premise is new to some people, we suggest that similarities are better than opposite, co-dependent relationships. It takes strength to assert who we are and be the way that we are.

We believe these assessment processes help us lean into our Creative Expressions so that we can be more of who we really are. This is greatly facilitated by being able to see where we might have compromised ourselves in the past so that we can make changes to how we treat our selves and others. This gives us a choice as to how we wish to engage others and if it can be done in a conscious way rather than relying on defensive or personality connections, which need constant reassurance. The Full Creative Assessment is a doorway to affirming yourself as a Creative Being so that you can use the tools that Higher Alignment has developed to develop your relationships consciously.

One of the main benefits of a Full Creative Assessment is that we do Mini-Creative Assessments for the parents, which dramatically increases our confidence in the outcome. For most people, this can increase the accuracy to over 95%. This is because we have independent pictures where we can see the parents in terms of their natural and imprinted expression, and how these Factors directly impacted you. Where this really shows up is in the ability to be able to accurately sequence the Primary, Secondary and Mental Body expressions from any Imprinting that may be occurring. The more pictures we have (at different times), the more we can see where we are growing and how our sequencing is likely evolving. What we are looking at is how much effort we are putting into convincing others of our Creative Expression. This effort is the primary indicator of Imprinting.

In the Primary Creative Expression, we also pay more attention to the overall Imprinting on all the Compatibility Factors. This reflects how we have taken on particular behaviors that may no longer serve us in getting the attention we desire. This is particularly true in Pacing, Communication Process and Decision Making Approach. Any inability to deal with and see ourselves in these factors is a real indication that we do have Imprinting. We also provide Imprinting information on the Instinctive Compatibility Factors of Goals, Modes and Attitudes. In addition to the Imprinting issue is how we sequence patterns, such as the Modes, based on what works when we are, or were, around our parents. While we do not provide a lot of information on the parents unless we are doing a Full Creative Assessment of them, we do use their pictures to validate the likely sequencing and patterns of our clients.

We seek to impress you so that you are able to see more of your greatness. Being able to operate from our Authentic Nature makes a big difference in how we convey ourselves to others. What we learn is that there is no need to apologize for being who we are. We definitely do not want to hold back on being who we are, or letting others see what we could do for them. The more we discuss what makes you unique, the more you are able to carry these insights into your authentic life work. This makes an investment in doing a Full Creative Assessment a low-cost, high-reward purchase.

Description of Creative Factors


While we do not emphasize comparing people based on WorldView, it is important to recognize when we have congruent lessons in each relationship circumstance. This means we want to find individuals who can relate to us where we are, as we are, which is usually within three levels of our own WorldView expression. This is usually not that difficult because there are forty-nine total levels, broken down into seven stages. Most individuals attracted to this process, are working on Relationship and Inner Success lessons, which further defines our constituent group. Everyone has their constituent group and this is what makes it easier to relate to others from our point of view. The problem is that sometimes family members, or even bosses, may be at a different WorldView levels, which may make it hard for you to understand why they do not see certain opportunities or engage with you in a particular way. The answer is that the higher the WorldView, the more complexity individuals can process, and the more they can integrate what others say. This is why it would be most useful to have partners who are fairly close to your WorldView level. Since this is the only factor that is hierarchically organized, it is important that we do not use it to minimize the contributions of others.


Identifying your Pretenses allows you to see and release the structures you built to make people like you. These approaches called Expectations, Romantic Mythology, Control and Seduction consume a lot of our energy and attention without providing much added value. What we provide is a zero to three ranking (with three indicating being the most caught up in a Pretense) for each Pretense so that individuals may choose if the investments they are making are worth the energy they are expending. Another challenge is that Pretenses can become part of our instinctive stories about how others do not see us or accept who we are. It teaches us that we have to compromise ourselves and perform activities for others, even if they do not acknowledge these gifts or value us in the process. It’s best not to want to be so invested in Pretenses because they do not add value to us.


Identifying your Goal helps you to focus on what you do to move forward in your life. Currently in the United States, we make the assumption that growth is the only way to move forward. Actually, there are seven goals and each goal has their own way to engage. Six of those have no growth process. The key is that we overgeneralize the word “growth” to mean all forms of engagement, when in effect, there are many different ways of engagement that do not require growth. These Goals are Re-evaluation, Discrimination, Acceptance, Dominance, Submission and Relaxation. What is confusing is when we have parents with a Goal not like our own, which usually results in some type of animosity about our way of engaging possibilities.


Identifying the Modes you use and the sequence you use them in helps you to put together your priorities and make it clear to others. The Modes are Reserved, Passion, Caution, Power, Perseverance, Aggression, and Observation. We usually operate with three or four in a particular sequence. Each one of these is an action component put together to help us implement our goal and when one way of doing things does not work, we quickly shift to the next in the sequence, giving us some flexibility in how we approach our problem-solving process. Learning how to recognize Modes allows us to meet others in their Mode, which can greatly magnify our ability to work together as effective partners.


Identifying our Attitudes is a time-based, intellectual perspective about what is important. The seven Attitudes are Stoic, Spiritualist, Skeptic, Idealist, Cynic, Realist and Pragmatist. We only have one Attitude, but we can become confused when our parents insist that we take on their Attitude and time-perspective to address issues in our life. When we accept and appreciate our own Attitude, it allows us to relax into the process of supporting others. It also greatly assists us when we identify the Attitudes of others because we then know the emphasis they have in setting standards about what constitutes an improvement in what we are doing. For example, if we had a Realist manager, we would recognize that nothing matters in the past or future, except what is happening right now, today. Any time something comes up to shifts our attention, we need to loop that manager into the process so they can determine what the priority is, or what needs to be addressed first.


When we understand our BodyType combinations, it tells us about our Authentic Life Expression and how we are constructed to fulfill a larger purpose. There are seven different BodyType frameworks. Each one has a certain look and underlying set of qualities that we combine to optimize the expression of our power in our life. While our society has its own ideas and ideals of beauty, our BodyType combinations tell us what is beautiful to us. This means that as we develop an appreciation for the qualities of our physical nature, we start to see how our BodyType combination is perfectly calibrated to express who we are. Instead of trying to look some other way, we begin to see how we can work within our own structure to manifest the beauty we have within. For example, Oprah Winfrey is a Storyteller, Visionary, Investigator with a Sporty Action and Group Anchor BodyType. The more she tries to eliminate the Group Anchor, or lose weight she carries because of her large bone structure, the more deprived or cut off from the support system she has created energetically with her constituents. With a Group Anchor BodyType, a certain amount of mass is needed to anchor the Storyteller Creative Expression with large groups. This naturally stabilizes her, which means that if she loses a lot of her weight, she has to do much more emotional processing to accomplish the same result. Her beauty manifests when she holds the weight she needs to process easily.

Effective Birth Order

Birth Order is mainly a comfort factor. We can predict which individuals will make you comfortable based on family dynamics, where you are in the sequence, and how you have been seen or not seen in your own family niche. We will ask a question about your Actual Birth Order and then we will respond to you with how this has been translated into your family pattern. What we currently see is that many Actual birth orders are not the Effective Birth Orders because of emotional repression, sibling competition, or parental priorities displayed between male or female children. When individuals are unconscious about Compatibility Factors, this factor plays a much bigger role than when we are conscious of the other Factors.

Expression Imprinting

In the Primary Creative Expression, we also pay more attention to the overall Imprinting on all the Compatibility Factors. This reflects how we have taken on particular behaviors that may no longer serve us in getting the attention we desire. This is particularly true in Pacing, Communication Process and Decision Making Approach. Any inability to deal with and see ourselves in these factors is a real indication that we do have Imprinting. We also provide Imprinting information on the Instinctive Compatibility Factors of Goals, Modes and Attitudes. In addition to the Imprinting issue is how we sequence patterns, such as the Modes, based on what works when we are, or were, around our parents. While we do not provide a lot of information on the parents unless we are doing a Full Creative Assessment of them, we do use their pictures to validate the likely sequencing and patterns of our clients.

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