****** Inner Seeing II~ 2022 ****** Thursdays 1/27 - 4/14 @ 6 pm MDT IS2

On Thursday evenings beginning January 25, 2022, Larry Byram will provide a live Zoom review and discussion of the 12 pre-recorded, self-paced classes of Inner Seeing II that you will study at your own convenience. The Thursday Zoom classes will include new class materials, guided imagery, and class review of photos. This means that we will have 5 hours of weekly presentation: 3 hours of pre-recorded Inner Seeing II class and 2 hours of live Zoom class. You will receive the 13 pre-recorded classes and the recordings of the current Zoom classes that include 12 Video sessions (plus free intro), downloadable pdfs of slides and mp3 audio files. for $595. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness, Recognizing Creativity, or permission of the instructor. Links to the pre-recorded Inner Seeing II classes will be sent to you by email after registration. Zoom links for the Thursday classes will be sent via email the day of the classes. Recordings of the Thursday classes will be provided separately. If you have previously purchased Inner Seeing II, you may join the Thursday discussion classes for $395.

Classes may not be purchased individually.

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Class Description

Inner Seeing II

Calibrating & Re-Creating Another’s Perspective

Inner Seeing II is a voyage into the deeper aspects of our personal patterns. It is an exploration of what makes us different or similar. The more we accept and learn from these patterns, the more we can interpret the reality of others as it is. Until we experience others creatively, we cannot be responsive to them. This is the process of learning to calibrate to creativity and consciousness. This increases our relationship choices and opportunities. We build our creative responsiveness by confirming our own patterns and observing these patterns in others. Without this experience we cannot be compassionate and love others as they are.

Expanding our self-understanding requires us to see the differences in WorldView, Communication Process and Defenses. When we learn to calibrate between differences, the underlying spectrum of choices will be revealed. These are the foundational blocks of operating, and Inner Seeing allows us to put the blocks in the right pattern so we understand how everything works. Investing in Inner Seeing means building a lifetime of confidence in understanding and resolving Compatibility Factor differences. By exploring compatibilities with people, these patterns of understanding will be the bridge to a rich, fulfilling, and mutual future.

These key compatibility factors focus on context variable, tell us more about what works and doesn’t work. When we know these, we can align ourselves to a particular sequence or way of operating that can create greater alignment with others. It is like pushing a switch or light, because the new translation or interconnection comes quickly. Our minds learn to build these bridges, and we can see the results. If you want to be a ‘people whisperer’, the Compatibility Factors are your rosseta stone for cross-translation.

The value of Inner Seeing II cannot be fully understood until we begin to recognize patterns in others. When we look at people, we can see the patterns and know best how to meet the other person. Inner Seeing II is building a capacity for people to expand their capacity to recognize and re-create thoughts and consciousness. We are teaching people the masculine side of calibrated understanding to focus progress. The complementary, feminine mystery side is to re-create people so their skills can be transferred.

Understanding Compatibility Factors is a useful skill. It awakens us to a world where we can understand and appreciate the human design. Each of us has similarities and differences that enable us to contribute to the whole. The more we appreciate and love our Compatibility Factors, the greater our creative context, making it possible to influence and communicate through our differences. Compatibility is therefore a language of patterns that enables us to build better ways to interconnect.

We assimilate knowing through the quality of our experiences. However, we are blocked and disconnected when we have no common experience, so we encourage the use of the Common Neutral Ground. When we understand the spectrum of possible patterns, we can build a tablet where, with practice, we learn to identify each option. The degree of dissonance, or lack of alignment, indicates where there are differences in our understanding. In Inner Seeing II, we work with context differences like Communication Process, Defenses and WorldView that all have profound impacts on relationships.

Join us on Thursday, January 20 at 6:00 p.m. for our Free Intro to Inner Seeing II. Inner Seeing II is a 12-week Zoom series on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. MST from January 27 through April 14, 2022.

This class includes reviewing 2.5 hours of video review each week, in addition to the interactive Zoom class. This allows for concentrated practice in identifying the key compatibility factors. We also encourage participants to provide photos so we as a group can identify the factors.

Picture of *FREE INTRO ~ Inner Seeing II ~ 2022 * Order the replay here
*FREE INTRO ~ Inner Seeing II ~ 2022 * Order the replay here
Order the FREE INTRO of Inner Seeing II. This 12-week series is a sequel to Inner Seeing I, with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. After you register, a Zoom link will be sent to you.
Picture of Inner Seeing II - 2022 Series
Inner Seeing II - 2022 Series
The purpose of the Inner Seeing Level II course is to develop the capacity to calibrate & re-create another’s perspective focusing on WorldView, Defenses, and Compatibility factors. On Thursday evenings beginning January, 27, 2022, Larry Byram will provide a live Zoom review and discussion of the 12 pre-recorded, self-paced classes of Inner Seeing II that you will study at your own convenience. The Thursday classes will include new information, guided imagery, and class review of photos. This means that we will have 5 hours of weekly presentation: 3 hours of pre-recorded Inner Seeing II class and 2 hours of live Zoom class. The recordings include 12 Video sessions (plus the Free Intro), downloadable pdfs of slides and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness, Recognizing Creativity, or permission of the instructor. Links to the pre-recorded Inner Seeing II classes will be sent to you by email after registration. Zoom links for the Thursday classes will be sent via email the day of the classes. Recordings of the Thursday classes will be provided each week. If you have previously purchased Inner Seeing II, you may join the Thursday discussion class for $395 (contact Sandy for details).
Picture of Inner Seeing II - 2022 Series Thursday Discussion Only (previously purchased Inner Seeing II)
Inner Seeing II - 2022 Series Thursday Discussion Only (previously purchased Inner Seeing II)
If you have previously purchased Inner Seeing II, you may join the Thursday discussion class for $395. On Thursday evenings beginning January 27 2022, Larry Byram will provide a live Zoom review and discussion of the 12 pre-recorded, self-paced classes of Inner Seeing II that you study at your own convenience. The Thursday Discussion classes will include new class materials, guided imagery, and class review of photos. Recordings of the Thursday classes will be provided each week and will include 12 Video sessions (plus intros), downloadable pdfs of slides and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness, Recognizing Creativity, or permission of the instructor. Zoom links for the Thursday classes will be sent via email the day of the classes. Recordings of the Thursday classes will be sent the same week.