***** Skillful Parterning 2024 ***** Tuesdays 5/28 - 8/13 @ 6 pm MDT

Skillful Partnering is a live Web Class Series held on 12 Tuesdays, May 28th through August 13th, 2024, for $495. For each of the12 live web classes plus the free intro, we provide videos, downloadable pdf’s of classes, and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness is suggested.

Classes may not be purchased individually.

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Skillful Partnering

Enriching All Of Our Relationships

How many times do we have to confront differences in relationships before we become comfortable doing so? Why does it bother us when our partners need to do their own thing and do not connect with us? Why are we so fearful when things change that we quit engaging? With more than 50% of marriages ending in divorce, it is necessary to develop conscious practices that validate the quality and nature of our relationships. Heart-centered relationship skills provide the structure for engaging our partners with less co-dependence, defensiveness, and entanglement. This is a connection-building course that will not only assist you in understanding others so you can be less reactive but will guide you in uplifting all your relationships so their potential can manifest. The twelve heart-based skills are guidelines that reorient our desires from personal to transpersonal and universal ways of being.

Restoring an inner balance where our heart-knowing is central to making choices is the primary objective of this twelve-class series. Our connection to our Self will grow and mature, supporting our fluidity with others. This occurs as we become clear about how our lessons are showing up in the people we attract. When we see the source of our life lessons and engage skills, it opens us up to connect to others in more fulfilling ways. We can more easily neutralize misunderstandings and are able to be more fully present. Our presence helps us to see the larger possibilities in our interactions with others. Mutual ownership of our separate and mutual lessons allows us to be supportive of others without falling into caretaking or co-dependence. Our conscious choices enable us to relax, encouraging others to learn and grow with us. We naturally come into greater conscious alignment because we are meeting each other in skillful ways.

In Skillful Partnering, we demonstrate the value of energetic connection versus distancing to maintain our own Safety and Security while becoming more inclusive of others. We will provide simple tests to determine where current and potential partners meet. Since each Skill contains a particular way to bring out the best in each of us, the more Skills we possess, the more flexible we become. These skills are Aliveness, Wisdom, Growth, Playfulness, Personality Detachment, Autonomy, Paradox, Intuitive Discrimination, Intimacy, Mutual Learning, Physical Discernment and Co-Creativity. It is easy to see how they can contribute to balancing our experiences in our Selves and with others.

This course is practical and geared towards identifying potential growth areas in our relationships. Every lack of skill creates a compromise in how we operate. Being able to recognize our personality distortions empowers conscious relationships. We demonstrate how to take a Stand and shift problematic ways of connecting into powerful and embodied ways of Being. We teach participants to deal with four primary topics in relationships—Growth, Autonomy, Intimacy and Co-Creativity. In this way, we become clear about which relationships provide the best opportunities for Mutual Growth and development. How we show up determines the degree and type of fulfillment we experience. The more we become embodied in each of the Skills, the less constricted we are in our choice of partners. As you gain confidence in your ability to show up in all situations, you will transcend the patterns of your past that have kept you from relationship fulfillment.

Course Titles For Skillful Partnering

  1. Aliveness as a Contribution
  2. Wisdom as a Reflection
  3. Growth, Change and Striving
  4. Playfulness & Possibilities
  5. Personality Detachment
  6. Creative Autonomy
  7. Paradox & Adventure
  8. Intuitive Discrimination
  9. Transformational Intimacy
  10. Mutual Learning
  11. Physical Discernment
  12. Co-Creativity


Picture of Skillful Parterning 2024 Series
Skillful Parterning 2024 Series
In Skillful Partnering -Enriching All Of Our Relationships, we teach participants to deal with four primary topics in relationships—Growth, Autonomy, Intimacy and Co-Creativity. In this way, we become clear about which relationships provide the best opportunities for Mutual Growth and development. This is a live Web Class Series held on 12 Tuesdays, May 28th through August 13th, 2024, for $495. For each of the12 live web classes plus the free intro, we provide videos, downloadable pdf’s of classes, and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness is suggested.
Picture of Enlightened Distinctions Free Intro* 5/21 @ 6 pm - SP24
Enlightened Distinctions Free Intro* 5/21 @ 6 pm - SP24
Enlightened Distinctions - An Introduction To Twelve Heart-Centered Skills is a Zoom Free Intro to Skillful Partnering on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. MDT. Instead of experiencing the world as a random chance, we see it as a gift of interrelated and interlocking patterns. We see new connections when others align with us. Join us live no zoom or we provide a video, a downloadable Pdf of the class, and an mp3 audio file for later review.