TDH Transpersonal Defensive Healing 18 Self-Paced Recordings

Transpersonal Defensive Healing with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano, consists of 18 recorded events (12 classes and 6 Saturday playshops).

Playshop 1A: Noticing Objectification Feb. 13, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 1B: Healing Objectification Feb. 20, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 2A: Noticing Subjectification March 6, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 2B: Healing Subjectification March 13, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 3A: Noticing Idealization April 3, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 3B: Healing Idealization April 10, 1-4:30 PM

For $495 you will receive recordings including 18 Video sessions, downloadable pdfs of slides, and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: None; Defensive Healing 2018 is recommended and can be purchased at

Classes may not be purchased individually.

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Class Description


12-week Course including 6 Saturday Playshops


Understanding How Defenses Can Be Neutralized

When we are defensive, we are easily overwhelmed, constrained, and stuck. This reflects too much sensory or intellectual input. If not external, then it is a voice in our heads showing concern about safety, security and our relative self-importance. In the basic Higher Alignment defense program, we identify how our defense operates: Distant, Dynamic, Disarming, or Disnamic patterns complicated by superficial facades. Facades complicate matters when we do not like our defense, so we try to hide it. Until we reveal both the defense and the facade, we cannot accept ourselves as we truly are, preventing growth, successful contributions and relationships.

At the core of Distant defense patterns is the denial of life energy and creative identity producing role playing and guilt when we do not live up to the expectations of others. Our highest aspiration in the Distant defense style is to differentiate ourselves by demonstrating that we can do things alone without any help. This pattern guarantees that we end up isolated from everyone. Parental imprinting, superficial attachments to love and sex, and addictions distract us from validating our own natural creative gifts. When we deny our own life energy, we end up demeaning others because we cannot let anyone be better than us. Dynamic defense style individuals start with separation in a co-dependent world, where they learn to manage needs to make sure they are able to get what they want. Ironically, they get caught up in proving they are worthy of love because they believe it is something to earn. Whenever challenged, they push back, attack, fight, or argue to prove their independence. Dynamic individuals use mastery and attempt to order everything in a reductionist way, producing Subjectification. They using shame, authority and expertise to throw others off balance. The major difference from a Distant defense style is that they have a grounded action plan that they use to accomplish their goals. This means they embody more of their masculine while simultaneously denying their need for the feminine.

Disarming defense style individuals are the opposite, for they deny the immediate circumstances by interpreting reality based on their ideals and desires. Disarming individuals are intellectually distractible because they want to prove that their emotional and intuitive perceptions are superior to circumstances. They compromise themselves to prove how good they are to others, to the point that they do not maintain a healthy, physical boundary. They use mystery to deepen into the most complicated paradoxical problems in order to bring some form of simplicity to problems. In this way they embody some of their feminine but discount their linear masculine logic. Projections, blame, and idealization keep them from accepting their natural goodness.

Disnamic defense styles are when we accept being compromised by both parents. This allows us to learn some masculine and feminine ways of operating so we vacillate between being strong or soft to counter balance how others show up. The goal of Disnamic defense is to always operate with maximum separation from others. Whenever others change, we automatically change to complement them. This makes us seem contrarian and rebellious. What we are actually attempting to do is to counter-balance the other person, allowing different perspectives of the same concepts. A Disnamic defense style individual can switch between disarming and dynamic styles on demand, which makes them suspect as not having a fixed defensive framework, instead of being masculine or feminine, they switch back and forth. This makes them appear untrustworthy. The goal of ‘Disnamic’ individuals is to ‘be seen’ as useful and helpful in holding the bigger picture so everyone can see the same thing with them. This is why it is helpful to always meet the other person where they are and initially connect fully with their perspectives, instead of maintaining an opposing posture. This means if they are being soft, we will be soft to engage them. Or if they are being strong, we will do strong with them. The real question is, are you ready to go beyond your defensive self-protection framework? For Distant defense style individuals, this requires growing in unanticipated or unexpected ways. Instead of being startled by beauty, we need to use it to deepen into our connection to others. Instead of operating in automatic safety mode, we need to take more risks to explore how and what we do well. For Dynamic defense style individuals, we need to think outside of our comfort zone and engage possibilities that are chaotic or complicated, and instead of trying to impose a structure, we need to learn to listen and respond.

For Disarming defense style individuals, we need to connect up our intuitive knowing with our intellect and capacity to act so we move forward without hesitation. The goal is to try small tests and learn from their success rather than taking a long time before acting. With Disnamic defense style individuals, we need to build relationships that are consistent in our masculine sides and feminine sides. This allows us to become Pioneers and attract more conscious partners into our lives.

This 12-class discussion examines the major costs and circumstances of interacting in our defenses, and includes six play shops that focus on examining and healing our Objectification, Subjectification and Idealization (which are defensive distortions). This provides a method for questioning our prevailing defensive patterns so we can build new tools to break out of co-dependent patterns. We want partners who reflect, share, and even suggest new creative connections. We seek partners who are able to be present to their experience and can share it without drama. All individuals have the ability to respond and not to react. This allows us to invest in the connections that best serve us and support our growth. Imagine being able to flow with people, seeing the best in them, without taking on their problems. This playful creative interaction is always possible when we consciously connect.

Transpersonal Defensive Healing Classes and Playshops

    1. Calibration to Distant Reactions (Isolation)
    2. Phases of Objectification (how Beauty and Life are denied)
    3. Using Aliveness to Break Conditioning and Attachments
    4. Calibrating to Dynamic Reactions (Separation)
    5. Phases of Subjectification (how Truth and Light are denied)
    6. Using Wisdom to Debunk Defenses and Positions
    7. Calibrating to Disarming Reactions (Insulation)
    8. Phases of Idealization (how Goodness and Love are denied)
    9. Using Awareness to Stop Projections and Comparison
    10. Calibrating to Disnamic Reactions (Polarization)
    11. Experiencing Harmony and Creative Flow (being seen)
    12. Co-Creative Connections (Neutralizing All Reactions)

Playshop 1A: Noticing Objectification Feb. 13, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 1B: Healing Objectification Feb. 20, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 2A: Noticing Subjectification March 6, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 2B: Healing Subjectification March 13, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 3A: Noticing Idealization April 3, 1-4:30 PM

Playshop 3B: Healing Idealization April 10, 1-4:30 PM


Picture of TDH Transpersonal Defensive Healing 18-part Series
TDH Transpersonal Defensive Healing 18-part Series
This 12-class discussion examines the major costs and circumstances of interacting in our defenses, and includes an additional six play shops that focus on examining and healing our Objectification, Subjectification and Idealization (which are defensive distortions). This provides a method for questioning our prevailing defensive patterns so we can build new tools to break out of co-dependent patterns. Transpersonal Defensive Healing is a recorded Webinar with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. You will receive recordings including 18 Video sessions, downloadable pdfs of slides, and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: None, but Defensive Healing is recommended and can be purchased at
Picture of TDH FREE INTRO: The Cost of Defensiveness ~  A Free Intro to Transpersonal Defensive Healing TDH (2)
TDH FREE INTRO: The Cost of Defensiveness ~ A Free Intro to Transpersonal Defensive Healing TDH (2)
The Cost Of Defensiveness, a Free Intro to Transpersonal Defensive Healing, is a Webinar with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. With registration you will receive recordings of the event including Video, downloadable pdf of slides, and mp3 audio file. No Prerequisites required.
TDH Class 1: Calibration to Distant Reactions (Isolation)
TDH Class 2: Phases of Objectification (how Beauty & Life are denied)
TDH Class 3: Using Aliveness to Break Conditioning & Attachments
TDH Class 4: Calibrating to Dynamic Reactions (Separation)
TDH Class 5: Phases of Subjectification (how Truth & Light are denied)
TDH Class 6: Using Wisdom to Debunk Defenses & Positions
TDH Class 7: Calibrating to Disarming Reactions (Insulation)
TDH Class 8: Phases of Idealization (how Goodness & Love are denied)
TDH Class 9: Using Awareness to Stop Projections & Comparison
TDH Class 10: Calibrating to Disnamic Reactions (Polarization)
TDH Class 11: Experiencing Harmony & Creative Flow (being seen)
TDH Class 12: Co-Creative Connections (Neutralizing All Reactions)