*** The Problem of Falling in Love *** FREE INTRO Tuesday 8/24 @ 6 pm MDT RSUL21

The Problem of Falling in Love is a FREE INTRO to Radiant Self Unifying Love on ZOOM at 6:00 pm MDT on Tuesday August 24, 2021, with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. No Prerequisites required. You will receive recordings of the free Intro including Video, downloadable pdfs of class slides, and mp3 audio file via email within 24 hours.

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Class Description

Radiant Self Unifying Love

The Problem of Falling in Love

Falling in love discourages us from exploring creative compatibility and encourages us to focus on how this person will fulfill our needs. As soon as love becomes defined by needs, it is transactional in nature. This means it cuts us off from authentic, self-loving experiences and focuses us on the reactionary experiences of excitement, intensity and anxiety. We end up defining ourselves in terms of each other which is co-dependent. Falling in love is, in fact, the experience of being out of control. It acknowledges that we are submerging or merging ourselves in the reality of another, which could have unknown impacts. While this experience can be titillating, it is also extremely irritating because it is always about trying to find a reason to justify what we are going to do next.

Being out of control suggests that there is an unknown unknown in our lives that we can’t say no to. We believe that being at the effect of this lesson will prove to be beneficial to us because of the surface benefits that we see, such as sexual chemistry, career or family advancement, and greater choices provided by our partners compromising themselves. These apparent benefits hide that we may be choosing parental patterns in our relationships, that security may actually be constantly compromised by differences of opinion, or that we never seem to get to the outcome we desire with each other. This limits us to seeing each other as of objects of desire, people who could amplify our power, or those who could increase our influence. It is our unconscious desire to not have to be accountable to our own future that encourages us to define ourselves in terms of others. We need to stop viewing our partners as stepping stones to what we want. The real value of partners is to be able to re-create our experience and to be a witness to our own growth and development. Relationships provide opportunities for expanded, mutual learning. We actually can amplify our creative projects when we are able to align with each other.

Radiant Self-Unifying Love (RUSL) is not based on personality exchange that requires us to “fall in love”.

We will explore how this may relate to you. You are invited to join us. Register now for this free discussion on August 24, 2021 @ 6:00 p.m. MDT.

The Problem of Falling in Love FREE INTRO August 24 @ 6 pm MDT (2) RSUL21
The Problem of Falling in Love is a FREE INTRO to Radiant Self Unifying Loveon ZOOM at 6:00 pm MDT on Tuesday August 24, 2021, with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. No Prerequisites required. You will receive recordings of the free Intro including Video, downloadable pdfs of class slides, and mp3 audio file via email within 24 hours. Relationships provide opportunities for expanded, mutual learning. We actually can amplify our creative projects when we are able to align with each other. We will explore how this may relate to you. You are invited to join us.