The CNG Presence
Common Neutral Ground (CNG) Essentials
Creative Presence is the capacity to show up with abundant energy, time, and space to share experiences with one another. A great relationship requires individuals to be able to meet each other as equals, so sharing without any reactions is possible. In a state of presence, we are healthy, responsive, and not conforming to any defenses or defensive distortions. Creative flow, motion, and engagement create opportunities for joyful interactions. This takes abundant Energy, Timing, and Space.
We build energy by expressing our life intent engaging our creative impulses and discovering who we are as creative human beings by risking change. The more we can focus on ourselves and direct our energy by using our voice or intent, the less we can be entangled by the history, expectations, and fears of others. We create Autonomous Aliveness by balancing and unifying our sensations and feelings. When we do this, we experience an inner sense of pleasure and wholeness which manifests as Beauty.
We build Light or wisdom by using Intimate Vulnerability to transform ourselves from self-absorbed information gatherers to using presence to deepen our ability to think for ourselves. This permits us to become a reflective rather than reactive, conscious creative agent. We amplify this light by unifying our emotions and thoughts. Anytime we bring together three or more perspectives and deepen our understanding of how they are all one, then we manifest our creative power to transform our world. Truth is always changing based on our perception of time, which is shifted when we share understanding.
One of the most mysterious forces in the universe is love. We distinguish the highest form of love as Creative, Radiant, and Self-Unifying, which is based upon our growing creative self-identity. This means that when we accept our creative nature we can intelligently contribute. The integration of our feelings and emotions empowers Creative Responsiveness, so our passion can be shared. The CNG Presence course expands our capacity to see and accept our creative nature so we can manifest more conscious, aligned, relationships.
All classes will be offered live online as well as recorded for your online study. The recordings are available within 48 hours of each class. We send out the zoom info shortly before each class.