SP FREE Intro for Skillful Partnering

This live Webinar is a Free Intro Class for the 12-week series Skillful Partnering, and includes a Video recording, downloadable pdf of class slides, and mp3 audio file. Recommended Prerequisite: This course requires having purchased the Creative Uniqueness series or a personal coaching session where compatibility factors were covered.

Class Description

Mutual Co-Creative Connections

We cannot have conscious relationships without a certain degree of understanding about skills. This is because each skill is a doorway to accessing another individual. The more a partner can meet us in these various doorways, the easier it is to establish and maintain a relationship. By focusing on skills and having a connection through skills, it creates more co-creative opportunities for the sharing of energy so we can operate in alignment and not at cross purposes. More or better anchored skills mean we can save tremendous amounts of energy trying to manage our relationships. Skills helps neutralize uncomfortable similarities and differences in relationships. The more skills we express, the less impactful our defense on us and our partners. In the Higher Alignment experience, skills are the most underestimated, yet produce the most substantial change in the amount of time invested than any other tool in Higher Alignment. Join us in exploring these skills so they can make an impact on the quality of your life, particularly in manifesting a Common Neutral Ground (CNG). Your friends will thank you for it. They will be more fully admire and adore you due to your capabilities in meeting them with Skills.

The purpose of this intro discussion is to explain the value of the HA Skills model. Skills provide the foundation for a proactive way of interacting with our partners. When we deny skills, it creates an inability to respond and connect to people. When we do not have Skills, tactically, it means our partner will end up driving the relationship. Higher Skill individuals always have more choices and flexibility than those with less Skills. We function optimally and consciously when we activate all our Skills, which guarantees that the CNG will be well-resourced. Each skill offers a way to bypass defenses and connect creatively.

Picture of SP Connection 101: Mutual Co-Creative Contributions  ~ Free Intro to Skiillful Partnering  (2)
SP Connection 101: Mutual Co-Creative Contributions ~ Free Intro to Skiillful Partnering (2)
The purpose of this intro discussion is to explain the value of the HA Skills model. Skills provide the foundation for a proactive way of interacting with our partners. With Larry Byram, Karen Thorson and Sandy Jaquith.