**** Enlightened Distinctions SP24 **** Free Intro May 21 @ 6 pm MDT

Enlightened Distinctions ~ An Introduction To Twelve Heart-Centered Skills is a Zoom free intro class to the Higher Alignment 12-week series Skillful Partnering on Tuesday, May 21st 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. MDT.

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Enlightened Distinctions

An Introduction To Twelve Heart-Centered Skills

Energetic Coherence is the capacity to use our body and the energetic space around it to mirror our experience. Without energetic coherence, our creative consciousness would lack direction, feedback, and purpose. As we develop the relationship skills of Growth, Autonomy, Intimacy and Creativity, our physical energetic reality can be used to bring about alignment with ourselves and others. Coherence is, therefore, a way to complete ourselves. We build coherence by being able to declare our own safety, security, and self-importance, realizing that we operate in participation and interaction with others. Our transpersonal focus is enhanced by understanding the principles and skills of a conscious environment. This shows up as energy, timing, and spatial experiences. These become our internal compass. The more we learn how to read this

Ironically, it is our personal energetic fields that tune us into the transpersonal fields we share with others. When in conflict, we feel the energetic stress of any differences. When in harmony, we feel unity and a greater degree of alignment. Some of us become sensitive to how our energies mix and match. With these Skills, we can see how our growth is either amplified or reduced while interacting with the people around us.

We can also recognize when our Autonomy is being compromised by others’ Co-Dependent interactions. From this, we learn that people can limit their growth and Autonomy because they are afraid to move forward. We realize that no one can affect our growth and Autonomy directly without our participation. This means we have a choice in our life about how we wish to live it. The more we learn to trust this inner compass, the more it guides us into developing new possibilities.

Since the primary skills have four main levels and each layer requires mastery of the previous, there is an energetic congruence growth process. We Grow from Excitement to Aliveness, Intensity to Wisdom, and Anxiety to Presence and Awareness. We learn to navigate these patterns and begin to see how our experience plays out on each level. Instead of experiencing the world as a random chance, we see it as a gift of interrelated and interlocking patterns. We see new connections when others align with us. We discover that our ability to share our truth eliminates those that are not aligned, either due to personality needs or their incapacity to respond. Join us if you would like to develop these conscious skills.

Picture of Enlightened Distinctions Free Intro** 5/21 @ 6 pm MDT - SP24
Enlightened Distinctions Free Intro** 5/21 @ 6 pm MDT - SP24
Enlightened Distinctions - An Introduction To Twelve Heart-Centered Skills is a Zoom Free Intro to Skillful Partnering on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. MDT. Instead of experiencing the world as a random chance, we see it as a gift of interrelated and interlocking patterns. We see new connections when others align with us. Join us live no zoom or we provide a video, a downloadable Pdf of the class, and an mp3 audio file for later review.
Picture of Skillful Parterning 2024 Series *
Skillful Parterning 2024 Series *
In Skillful Partnering -Enriching All Of Our Relationships, we teach participants to deal with four primary topics in relationships—Growth, Autonomy, Intimacy and Co-Creativity. In this way, we become clear about which relationships provide the best opportunities for Mutual Growth and development. This is a live Web Class Series held on 12 Tuesdays, May 28th through August 13th, 2024, for $495. For each of the12 live web classes plus the free intro, we provide videos, downloadable pdf’s of classes, and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness is suggested.