FCCP Finding Complete, Conscious Partners

This self-paced online webinar includes 12 class videos download links for pdf’s of the classes and mp3 audio files. No prerequisites required, Creative Uniqueness is recommended.

Classes may not be purchased individually.

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Class Description

Requirements For Co-Creative Relationships:

Fear in dating causes individuals to lie rather than risk rejection. The desire to be accepted drives us to present only what is appealing about us. Self-importance (or a lack of confidence) encourages us to negotiate for the best deal, despite the odds, believing we may not be able to easily find similar partners. What these compromises miss is the power of Creative Self Affirmation to attract individuals like us, to us. Instead of pursuing a random numbers game, we need to manifest time, energy and space dedicated to being the partner we want to have. This occurs when we transform our Attractions from Excitement to Aliveness, Intensity to Wisdom and Anxiety to Awareness. We are aided when we learn how to identify individuals with similar Compatibility Factors. We also discover how we have been caught in Co-Dependent Attractions that drain us. Letting go of parental patterns, opposite attractions and the need to be superior or better prepared in a relationship frees us up to wisely choose appropriate partners.

The image of dating has taken a hit because of unrealistic romantic expectations. By making love personal, we deny the unity we seek with our partners. Conscious individuals need to prioritize Creative Chemistry over sexual chemistry to manifest long-term partnerships. When we do, it is easy to create sustainable heartfelt connections with great sexuality. More people than ever are caught in Romantic mythology euphoria, where they cannot make decisions for fear that something better will show up.

The reality of our relationships is that they are an investment, and that through growth, we transmute, transform and transfigure over time. Enlightened Dating is about seeing the good and bad in our partners to find the one who sees, appreciates and loves us fully for who we are. To accomplish this we must stop looking at our partners as caretakers, power brokers, or needs fulfillment mechanisms. With Co-Creativity (instead of Co-Dependence) we manifest a playful and joyful sharing that is based upon a personal sense of Autonomy. The illusion is that we can figure everything out on our own. While we do need to develop our own understanding, our partner must also be able to share this understanding, or the relationship, being unbalanced, will falter.

We need to re-educate ourselves about what to strive for and how to establish our priorities. The priority needs to be co-creative Communion, effortless Communication, equal Decision-Making and synergistic Alignment. When we join a partner in an aligned learning processes we are uplifted and enhanced. We grow as we practice—with our friends, romantic and business partners (not sexual partners). Co-Creative projects, where we show up doing what we love, automatically attracts others to us. As we upgrade the quality of the people in our lives they become important in guiding us to our ultimate partners. Our consciousness becomes a way to refine and clarify our gifts. We can make huge impacts through small acts of kindness. It all begins when we choose the best people with whom to invest our lives.

Conscious, Complete Love

When we personalize love, we compromise ourselves. Radiant Self Unifying Love is Transpersonal in nature. It is about teambuilding and expanding wholeness by by giving and receiving to our partners. When we do not love ourselves, particularly our creative nature, we have little to contribute to others. It is the joy, delight and abundance of our Love that makes it healing. When we creatively love ourselves, our contributions are based upon our Relationship Skills and our Authentic Life Expression. We show up participating without the need for roles, attachments, positions of power or acknowledgements. When we creatively deny ourselves, we choose partners based on need, not opportunity. We get caught up in attempts to earn love and do not realize that we need to ‘be’ Love. If we want to create loving partnerships we need to be creatively loving beings. Learn the importance of Creative Self Love in attracting great partners! Get a creative assessment performed so you can read all about yourself (if you have not already) to prepare for this class.

Picture of FCCP Finding Complete, Conscious Partners Series
FCCP Finding Complete, Conscious Partners Series
A video series of 12 individual classes, including downloadable pdf's, and mp3 recordings.
FCCP Class 1: Conscious Complete Love
FCCP Class 2: Healthy Choices
FCCP Class 3: Compromised, Codependent Relationships
FCCP Class 4: Shifting Attractions
FCCP Class 5: Attractive Transformation
FCCP Class 6: Recognizing Motives
FCCP Class 7: Showing Up- Engagement Opportunities
FCCP Class 8: Building Relationship Skills
FCCP Class 9: Discovering What Works
FCCP Class 10: Utilizing Common Lessons
FCCP Class 11: Revealing What Is Important
FCCP Class 12: Optimizing Online Dating Services