Products tagged with 'common neutral ground (cng)'
In Wisdom of Triad Life Lessons: Completing Our Personality Lessons, we empower our relationship consciousness and choices. We learn how to appreciate Triads to solidify and expand our wisdom. These patterns are shortcuts that assist us in seeing the larger purpose of our life and contribution. This will sharpen our perceptions and accelerate our development. This is a live Web Class Series held on 12 Tuesdays, September 17 through December 3, 2024, for $495. For each of the12 live web classes plus the free intro, we provide videos, downloadable pdfs of classes, and mp3 audio files. Prerequisites: Creative Uniqueness is suggested.
Conscious Co-Creative Partnerships is a 12-week course is on Thursdays from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm MDT, beginning May 19, 2022 with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. Conscious Dating Decision-Making discusses the state of dating services and how and what to look for that can increase your effectiveness while reducing your time requirements. It is important to recognize that Creative Chemistry is the key new element that prevents us from getting caught is poorly functioning, co-dependent relationships. What we want to avoid as much as possible is relationships without abundant, quality, autonomous, creative options.. ***Scholarships and financial support available: Contact Sandy at ***