* Inner and Outer Presence with CNG * CNG 1 - A Self-Paced Series

Inner & Outer Presence With CNG is a self-paced series and consists of nine classes. You will receive 9 Video sessions, downloadable pdfs of class slides, and mp3 audio files for each class. Prerequisites: Recommended completion of one of the following- Loving Our Creative Self, Defensive Healing or Creative Uniqueness. With Larry Byram, Sandra Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. $295.

Classes may not be purchased individually.

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Class Description

Inner & Outer Presence With CNG

Section 1 of the Series CNG: Harmonious Interactions

Great relationships only occur when we accept our creative nature and embrace our inner presence. By understanding the differences between our personality perspective and creative being, we can express our Beauty, Truth, and Goodness. It is only through our internal creative impulses, values, and virtues that can we embrace the full autonomy and freedom of our purpose. These self-generated qualities awaken our presence. We also use them to enhance a state of creative flow where we show up as a responsive agent in the universe. Creativity, boundaries, and autonomy help us show up in a way that no one can deny.

A Common Neutral Ground is a state of creative presence. It uses our energy, time, and spatial/social awareness to bring ourselves into alignment. This allows us to create a conscious bridge to others so we can share our experiences without any personal reactivity. Only when we have mastered these three dimensions can engage the world with Life, Light, and Love. To do this, we need to know how to be present with ourselves, so the energy, time, and space of others do not produce conflict or cause reactions. What this requires is not personalizing our own attachments, positions, and projections.

Expanding our authentic creativity means leaving our personality defenses behind. We seek to empower (through conscious intent) our own energy so we can appropriately assign excess energy to a common relationship space. Then, we need to bring ourselves into the present moment and release the need to check out by fixating on the past or future. This in-the-moment presence can be represented as an inner light that we do not diminish when others disagree with us. Finally, we need to possess a space of embodiment or a location on the board of life where we can show up in a creatively responsive way and learn from others.

Shifting how we perceive ourselves and others allows us to commune with the world as a conscious part of it. This provides abundant access to trust, unity, and love so we can invest in the best people to make our contribution. Energy, Time, and Space Boundaries are there to facilitate and honor the integration of our sensations, feelings, emotions, thoughts, intuition, straight knowing, and unity thinking. These seven modalities are a spectrum that deepens our experience. Intermixing and blending all these modalities prevents any personal reactions so we can operate in harmony in all circumstances.

The purpose of a Common Neutral Ground is to maximize creative alignment both with ourselves and with others. This means increasing our ability to attract congruence and clarify dissonance. This initiates us into a creative cycle where we uplift or precipitate a purpose into reality. It is only when we are in a state of enhanced knowing that we can maximize our Authentic Life Expression by creating the largest context possible. In this context, we can work with others in harmony, grace, and dignity. In these seven classes, we will expand our capacity to see and accept our creative nature so we can be completely present in conscious relationships.

Inner & Outer Presence With CNG is 9 classes, and is a prerequisite to Section 2 of CNG: Harmonious Interactions, to be offered in January 2025. Contact Sandy at sjaquith@earthlink.net for financial assistance information.

Inner & Outer Presence With CNG

  1. Free Intro Night: The Common Neutral Ground Presence
  2. PREP Class 1: Creative Presence 2023
  3. PREP Class 2: CNG Principles and Practices
  4. Common Neutral Ground (CNG) Principles and Practices
  5. Discover Autonomy with Unified Thinking
  6. Embracing Higher Knowing and Virtues
  7. Main Obstacles to Creative Being
  8. Reconciling Appropriate Safety Actions
  9. Embodied Creative Presence
  10. Creative Projects: Validating Your Chemistry


Picture of ***Inner and Outer Presence with CNG: Harmonious Interactions***
***Inner and Outer Presence with CNG: Harmonious Interactions***
Inner & Outer Presence With CNG (CNG = Common Neutral Ground) is a 9-class series that was presented in December 2023 and January 2024 as the Section 1 of a 3-part program on Common Neutral Ground - CNG: Harmonious Interactions. CNG: Harmonious Interactions Section 2 will be offered in January 2025. Inner & Outer Presence with CNG (Section 1) is a prerequisite for Section 2. Facilitators: Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano Prerequisites: None, Recommended Creative Uniqueness Need more information? Ask about our scholarship options. Contact Sandra at sjaquith@earthlink.net.