Products tagged with 'co-creative relationships'

Attractions Teach Us Who We Are (SA) ~ FREE INTRO to Shaping Attractions 2020

This discussion examines Attractions through our Desires, Life Lessons, and Options. Twelve life attractions provide a structure for understanding what is important. Investments in energy, time and deeper engagement build up layers of attractions that define our learning focus. We use attractions to clarify what we desire. Repulsions reflect what we are unwilling to confront or engage. This is a FREE INTRO to our 12-week series Shaping Attractions 2020 on TUESDAY August 25 from 6:00 - 8:30 pm MDT with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano.

Choosing Aligned Partners - 6-week Series* Thursdays @ 6 pm MT 6/29 -8/3

Choosing Aligned Partners is a 6-week course is on Thursdays from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm MDT, beginning June 29, 2023, through August 3, 2023, with Larry Byram and Katie Love. FREE INTROS begin June 15. Have you ever been in a relationship that seemed pre-destined because everything felt familiar? Are you tired of meeting a potential partner who is “so amazing” and feels like everything you’ve been waiting for, only to be disappointed months later as you discover who he/she really is? Are you done with making the same choices that do not change the outcome? Instead of pursuing the most difficult partners and trying to convince them that we are their soul mates, we choose to invite potential partners to explore mutual outcomes and desires. It is communication-fluidity on these levels, combined with common creative expressions that define our degree of natural alignment and compatibility. Join us in this exploration of what makes us successful in relationships! ***Scholarships and financial support available: Contact Sandy at ***