Love & Common Neutral Ground
The Virus Dialogues is an HA community discussion of the current reality and impacts of COVID 19 and our responses - as individuals and as a community - to the many changes taking place in our society. Please join us for distant socializing and a discussion of the lessons and opportunities presented by COVID 19. With Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith. No Prerequisites required. Hardship scholarships available.
The Virus Dialogues is an HA community discussion of the current reality and impacts of COVID 19 and our responses - as individuals and as a community - to the many changes taking place in our society. Please join us for distant socializing and a discussion of the lessons and opportunities presented by COVID 19. With Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith. No Prerequisites required. Hardship scholarships available.
This package includes 3 separate classes of a 3-part Series, including [1] Offsetting Social Pressure from 1:00 - 5:00 pm ; [2] Making Our Experience Whole – Transition to an Online Community from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm; and [3] Mutual Respect, Esteem and Love from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Classes may be purchased as a series or individually and include a live Webinar, Pdfs of the class slides, and video and audio recordings. With Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith.
The Joy of Clearing Conditioning - the DNA of Sensations, Feelings, Emotions & Thoughts - is a 6-week series from May 20 through June 24 @ 6:00 pm. MDT, with Larry Byram, Sandy Jaquith, and Tom Faggiano. This is followed by a 6-week series 'Integrating Creative Virtues and Values'. Both classes will be discussed at a FREE INTRO
on May 13 @ 6:00 p.m. MDT. No Prerequisites required but Creative Uniqueness is recommended. Recordings of the classes will be provided each week including 6 Video sessions, downloadable pdfs of slides and mp3 audio files. Zoom links for the classes will be sent via email the day of the classes.
Making Our Experience Whole – Transition to an Online Community is a 6-hour recorded event and is Part 2 of a 3-Part Series. It is an experiential playshop designed to explore our modalities and co-dependence, and to develop of our Autonomy. Repression of sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts creates defensive distortions and establishes our level of defensive reactiveness to others. This is why it is critical to clear out any repression, not only because we do not want our partner to use these weaknesses to hurt us, but because open (un-repressed) expression increases our mutual capacity to creatively contribute. The truth of one partner may be disturbing in a co-dependent relationship. Conscious individuals connect creatively and always embrace their partner’s truth, or at least consider it. Even a co-dependent partner (with their reactions) coupled with a more conscious partner will learn not to personalize their experiences. When we communicate with someone based on internal imbalances, we end up seeking their affirmation, acknowledgement and acceptance because of the problems we are personally experiencing. We want and expect them to fix us, or at least be supportive. This creates co-dependent chaos, where our need for our partner’s attention becomes increasingly frustrated by their need for our attention.
When we share this experience in the common relationship space our partners have a choice about how much they invest in helping to clarify our circumstances or whether there are other opportunities for growth that are larger. Classes may be purchased as a series or individually and includes Pdfs of the class slides, and video and audio recordings. With Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith.
Making Our Experience Whole – Transition to an Online Community is a 6-hour recorded event and is Part 2 of a 3-Part Series. It is an experiential playshop designed to explore our modalities and co-dependence, and to develop of our Autonomy. Repression of sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts creates defensive distortions and establishes our level of defensive reactiveness to others. This is why it is critical to clear out any repression, not only because we do not want our partner to use these weaknesses to hurt us, but because open (un-repressed) expression increases our mutual capacity to creatively contribute. The truth of one partner may be disturbing in a co-dependent relationship. Conscious individuals connect creatively and always embrace their partner’s truth, or at least consider it. Even a co-dependent partner (with their reactions) coupled with a more conscious partner will learn not to personalize their experiences. When we communicate with someone based on internal imbalances, we end up seeking their affirmation, acknowledgement and acceptance because of the problems we are personally experiencing. We want and expect them to fix us, or at least be supportive. This creates co-dependent chaos, where our need for our partner’s attention becomes increasingly frustrated by their need for our attention.
When we share this experience in the common relationship space our partners have a choice about how much they invest in helping to clarify our circumstances or whether there are other opportunities for growth that are larger. Classes may be purchased as a series or individually and includes Pdfs of the class slides, and video and audio recordings. With Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith.