Creative Review of 2020 Presidential Candidates

This Webinar playshop explores the Creative qualities of the 2020 Presidential candidates, with Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith. We will discuss the leading Democratic candidates and some who have left the primary contest, as well as Donald Trump.
SKU: VC1061

Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith will explore the Creative qualities of the 2020 Presidential candidates. We will discuss the leading Democratic candidates and some who have left the primary contest, as well as Donald Trump, including full Creative Asssessments. In addition to the webinar you will receive recordings including a Video sessions a downloadable pdf of the slides, and mp3 audio files. No Prerequisites required.

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Class Description

Come for a discussion about the Compatibility Factors of Democratic presidential candidates including Bernie, Bloomberg, Biden, Mayor Pete, Elizabeth, Amy, Andrew Yang, Julian, Kamala, Cory, Marianne, Michael Bennett and others. We will also review Donald Trump and his family. Find out why certain demographics or constituencies support each of these candidates. We promise to be objective and stick to the assessments rather than making this a personal or political discussion.

Continuing the election update tradition in Higher Alignment, we will answer people's questions about what they like and don't like about all the candidates. We will also talk about their families, running mates and why these individuals seek the nomination of their parties. To put this in context, we will review how they differ from other candidates and what will the strengths and weaknesses as they move through the primaries.

It is particularly interesting to notice the Idealization patterns and why people want to trust their candidates. A full Compatibility Assessment will be provided for each of the candidates. Come to find out more about the assumptions that each candidate is operating from regarding this campaign.

Creative Review of 2020 Presidential Primary Candidates

  1. Facilitators: Larry Byram and Sandy Jaquith
  2. Cost: $49
  3. Contact Sandy at for more information